1913 Diebold Bank Vault Door
Item Details:
- This item has been sold
- Street: North Fork Dr.
- City: Lafayette
- State/Province: Colorado
- Country: United States
- Zip/Postal Code: 80026
- Expires: This ad has expired
Item Description:
1913 Diebold Bank Vault Door 30″ x 80″
Polished stainless steel exterior with matching stainless steel trim pieces.
Fully funtional
Free delivery within 200 miles of Denver CO. with a full priced offer.
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We now have photos pls email and I can send the album to you.
do you have the pix for the other side? please send them to me as I am very interested
at brent90031@yahoo.com
I would like to get some other photos of the other side and a phone number so I could call and discuss details.
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