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Diebold Safe/Dual Drawer Combo

Item Details:

  • State/Province: Georgia
  • Country: United States
  • Zip/Postal Code: 30345
  • Expires: This ad has expired

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  • Item listed by: on January 31, 2012

    Item Description:

    Diebold Safe/Dual Locking Drawer Combo

    $275 cash. Located in Lawrenceville. Came from a bank that we have purchased as a new office space, have many more safes, Diebold is an EXTREMELY high quality product.

    Contact: If you would like to inquire about this classified ad or would like to purchase this item please…

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    2. Fill out the Contact form with your name, email address and message.
    3. Finally, at the bottom of the form fill in the box with the sum of the two numbers and click on “Send Inquiry” to send me an email message.

    Tags= Diebold safe,used diebold safe, safe drawer combo


    6204 total views, 1 today


    Listing ID: 8644f28a4c4d25fb

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    One Response to “Diebold Safe/Dual Drawer Combo”

    1. I need 3 dual draw combo and 1 fireproof 4 draw legal file cabnet

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